Travelling can be stressfull, ok I admit not for everyone but if you’re a tad of a controlfreak you want to have everything packed even though you can probably buy anything you need at your (holiday) destination….
So I make lists, and now I have a masterlist that I only have to adapt depending on what activities we have at our destination. A lot of my young living workfriends don’t need lists, but those that do want my master list…
Well I’m all about sharing but first, my 5 general travel tips ….
1. Extention cord
Pack an extention cord for you hotelroom, there are never enough outlets in hotel rooms especially if you are travelling somewhere with different outlets than they have in your homecountry. This way you only need 1 converter and can recharge all the devices you brought along.
2. Ziploc bags & Sealing clips (from IKEA)
I always buy snacks and other things on the road that get old and spilled in my bag. So I pack a few of these to keep everything where it should be and fresh.
3. Clothes pins
Not to hang any clothes in my hotel room but to keep the curtains shut. Don’t you just hate it when the curtains never entirely closes and you wake up too soon in the morning, no just me? Well hence the clothes pins 😉 You’re welcome!
4. Bag
Pack an extra bag in your cabin trolley! Almost every time I am asked to check in my cabin trolley directly or at the gate because the flight is overbooked. First time I was caught off guard and had to carry my necessities in my hands until I bought some things at the tax free shop. Not anymore. I have my necessities in my extra bag and just whip it out when they want me to check it in. And if it’s not necessary I have a handy bag at my destination.
5. Thieves cleaner
It’s not just a great, chemical free natural cleaner that only costs € 23,90 and makes approx 32 spray bottles for € 0,80 cents a bottle (1 cap in 32 oz/1 liter). It’s also an amazing Ironing hack, great for any trip but also at home for people that don”t like to iron 😉
I bring a little bottle of thieves cleaner with me on my trips, yes a cleaner and not because I plan on cleaning my hotel room but because it helps with wrinkled clothes. Not all hotel rooms have an ironing board and this technique will help you keep you clothes nice and straight.
Here’s a video on how it works!
6. Fleece wrap
A must have for cold nights and long flights, I love mine from Optidee and don’t fly without that, my neck pillow and my fluffy socks.
7. Diffuser
We have diffusers in every room of our home to set the mood and add some natural scent when needed. So when I travel I like to bring one along (not all accomodation or rental cars are as fresh as I would like them to be), obviously I need a cute small one so the Young Living orb is the best travelbuddy (great for at work or in the car as well as they charge with an usb outlet. I haven’t used it in the plane yet but this next trip I am going to test that.
8. Essential Oils
Duh, if I use them at home obviously I need them on the road, flight and where I am staying. To make sure I am relaxed, my ears adjust to the different heights, I sleep sound, my tummy stays happy and for any aches, scrapes and immune support that I need.
9. Supplements
I use supplements daily and will pack them all, sorted & counted per day, in 3 ziploc bags marked morning, aftenoon and evening. But the one I use extra on the road is Life 9, I am extremely sensitive to water abroad (I’ve had years of health problemd from unwanted guests I’ve brought back from holiday so trust me on this I need to keep my gut healthy and uninviting) and even though I don’t drink it and avoid ice cubes all fresh produce in restaurants is washed in it. So probiotics are a must during and after a trip abroad. I also pack Ningxia Red singles to keep up my energy and give my body all the antioxidants it needs on a daily basis.
10. Clothes vs activities
I make a list of the days we are abroad and the activities on that day and that’s how I pick my outfits. This is more for the business trips we make as on holiday it’s not so important what to wear I mean it’s all bikini’s and summer dresses with matching flipflops right 😉
11. Beauty/Personal products
Bringing all of your beauty products will increase the weight of your suitcase so here are some easy ways to bring less and how to store it.
Portable silicone (preferably those that stick to the wall) for shampoo, conditioners and showergel. Don’t fill them up all the way or they will overflow 😉
or alternatively you can bring small foampump bottles. Just one table spoon of your showergel of facewash, add water and you have plenty to last you your trip.
Put facecream in either lenscases or in stackeable containers
Don’t you just hate it when bathrooms don’t have enough storage space for all your toiletries, well we brought this on a cruise with us and it was so helpful as a place to store all of our toiletries!
12. Suitcase organizers
ok last one … But have you ever had your suitcase opened at customs returning from a trip? I have and believe me it is not a pretty site to have your dirty underware all over the suitcase. And flying out I like to be able to grab my bikini or any other item I need when I get to my room and not have to search my whole suitcase for it. So all underwear together, beachware together etc. you get the point right.
Now I purposely did not add any “where to purchase links” because to be honest I buy a lot of these things on Ali Express and the sellers and the products they offer change constantly so just google them or search there with the description and I am sure you will find it!
Last but not least here’s my current master list, “a living document” as I update it after every trip so one day it will be the ultimate packing list and I will never forget a thing I need.
- Gymclothes
- Bikini
- Cocktail/Gala attire; high heels, pantyhose, spandex, clutch, strapless bra, jewelry, hairbun donut
- underwear; socks, underpants, bra’s, pj’s…. don’t laugh I have forgotten any and all of these one time or another ….
- shorts, pants, tops, vest, dress
- shoes; flipflops, heels, sandals, toms (ultimate summer shoes)
- Hair; brush, elastics, clips, hairbands
- rings, necklace, earrings
- Shaving cream, razor
- make-up
- nailpolish & remover
- toothbrush & toothpaste
- shampoo & conditioner
- deodorant
- facecream
- facewash
- sunscreen, insect repellent, after sun
- extention cord
- local adaptor (usa/uk)
- laptop
- extention cord laptop
- mobile
- extention cord mobile
- carcharger
- (vlog) camera or flip
- extention cord/battery camera
- powerbank
- selfiestick
- feminine products
- umbrella
- hair styler (ghd is my holy grail)
- optidee wrap, pillow and fluffy socks
- earplugs, eyemask, 3 clothes pins
- Essential oil case small and large
- oyster cards (UK only)
- Travel grocery bag foldable (I like those from IKEA)
- ziploc baggies and clips
- Supplements
- Ningxia Red packets
- Slique snack bars
- Passport
- Travel Wallet
- Foreign currency (When we get back from a trip we store the foreign currency back in the bankenvelope it came in, write the country on it and every trip we just grab the envelope and add to it or just take that. Just remember to store the envelopes in the same place every time, we keep it with our passports)
- Notebook or filofax planner & 2 fave pens
- If you are a scrapbooker, bring some bits and bobs to journal on the go. I love doing that on holiday!Let me know if my lists, tips will help you with your travels, or when you get back let me know what you missed on my masterlist. Lets help each other and make prepping for a trip easier and get you to your desintation stress free, and if are still tense before or during don’t be I have an oil for that I give it to people on the plane all the time 😉
- travel sewing kit
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Hi Meiny, Leuk dat je mijn blog leest, ik schrijf liever in het engels en heb niet altijd tijd om het gelijk te vertalen. Om mijn anderstalige bezoekers tegemoet te komen heb ik een vertaalwidget aan de rechterzijde van mijn blog, daarmee kun je mijn blogs lezen in je gewenste taal ? Ik hoop dat je daar wat aan hebt! grts, Danielle