
Scrapping is therapy

Just like baking cupcakes but unfortunately I don’t have enough energy for that (which should come back into my life in august orso according to the doc). I really needed to relax, had a bit of a rough week to do with my volunteer work and I decided had to stick up for myself to […]


I did it all

Well almost all during our fall break; *pumpkin decorating* Lego World* purging in the attic (that went really well)* spending a day with mommy* wrote all bday cards on time ! The downpricing in the store didn’t happen, didn’t plan the crop yet, no research on italy yet. But 5 things out of the 7 […]


I do scrapbook

Really I do and here are 2 layouts to prove it 😀 First one is for the Dutch Dare, about your fave yummy recipe, check out what the other girls did over here and you really should, total eyecandy in all styles you can imagine ! Most of you probably know what klaasbrokken are, they […]
