Modern day businessbabe
Celebration ~ There’s a party goin’ on right here
Wie had gedacht toen we, als design team van het wijlen Memory Lane Scrapbooking, een dare blog begonnen in 2006 dat we nu zoveel jaar laten nog steeds mensen inspireren met onze dares. Dus trots ben ik wel op deze 100ste Dutch Dare en op alle design team members die zoveel enthousiasme, energie, tijd en […]
More{ dutch dares anniversary }
Wie had gedacht toen we, als design team van het wijlen Memory Lane Scrapbooking, een dare blog begonnen in 2006 dat we nu zoveel jaar laten nog steeds mensen inspireren met onze dares. Dus trots ben ik wel op deze 100ste Dutch Dare en op alle design team members die zoveel enthousiasme, energie, tijd en […]
MoreDutch Dare #85 a Q&A
I have no clue if there is anyone still reading my blog (leave me a comment if u do ) since I’ve been slacking in the blogdept bigtime …. ??? I blame facebook, goodreads & pinterest, it’s so easy to keep everyone updated with my life through short bursts of info and/or pics there that […]
MoreScrapping can heal
I’m making a mini album about my childhood, just scrapping some feelings, memories and sometimes that’s just as healing as therapy. This is my second page and I think it’s funny that I even dared to put this feeling to paper, but it makes me laugh and it’s real ! This page was for the […]
MoreScrapped for the Dutch Dares
More scrapping going on, really happy about my breakdance LO ! All made for the dutch dares blog, some schetches some dares, if you’re into scrapping check us out for lots of inspiration ….