Modern day businessbabe
working from home
I love working from home, it does come with a few challenges, but seriously it was the best decision I ever made. Friends, family and potential team members often ask me how I do it, what it’s like and I give my Oiled by Nature community (made up of mainly moms) insights and mentor them […]
MoreThe lowdown on my Young Living journey part II – Sharing
If you follow this blog or follow me on Facebook then you will read a lot about Young Living Essential Oils, trust me I really share about them a lot, which comes naturally as I use them for myself and my family daily. I genuinely believe everyone should get themself, and their family, a premium […]
MoreThe lowdown on my Young Living journey part I
I had seen a lot of pins on Pinterest about Young Living Essential oils but never gave it that much attention as I did not think it was available in the Netherlands. Until one of my bff’s Corinne shared some of her personal experiences on Facebook in March 2014, to be honest they blew me […]