I had a really relaxing weekend ! I wasn’t feeling very wel so I stayed close to home and didn’t do too much on Saturday. Ed on the other hand worked his but off in the garden, taking all the grass out (forgot to take before pictures ….) and repositioning some border flowers, part I of the garden reorganisation is done (we have to do it in parts otherwise the boys cannot play in the garden and there is so much work to do in the garden it is impossible to do in one day so rather than making one big mess it will be done in parts.
Sunday I got breakfast & gorgeous self-made presents from the boys (I’m very emotional at the moment so tears came fast) and a lowe-pro case for my new dig pocketcamera from all of them. Colin loved the pasta necklace so much he kept saying it was his and not mine ….Michael was a bit upset because his butterfly had lost on eye but I loved it all !
We went for a bike ride, to practice Michael’s route to school and then went on to Ed’s parents to give his mom a present, she got the last book in a Vriginia Andrews series she was looking for (kept asking if we’d found it on internet yet, and yes we found all 3 of them but since she only got 2 until now she thought the 3rd couldn’t be found, yes we can keep a secret J ) and some Merci chocolates. Ed cooked (we had Chinese take out, hadn’t had that in a while). The bikeride proved to be very tiring for Colin (or was it that he got up at 6.00 again today ??) on the way back he fell asleep ….
I spent the whole evening scrapping little presents for my mother. We gave them to her today and she really liked them all, of course I forgot to make pictures but I’ll add them in tommorow.
A joint project, inside made by me, outside made by the boys.
So happy I’m getting my scrapbooking mojo back, I’ve been so busy with the store sale, newsletters etc. that I just haven’t been scrapping at all…. I’ve been scrapping at least 1 or 2 nights last week, over the weekend and that helps getting the rhythm back. Ed picked some new challenges out of the can and I already have a good idea for one of them (effer dare #18).
good that you’re getting your mojo back!
let’s see what you created!?
Sounds like you had a nice weekend! Glad you got your mojo back!