When the kids are away

Mom and Dad will play LOL.

Hope all the dutchies had a fun Queensday ? We sure did, we love a good hunt for bargains so we ventured out but DH did go without the helmet though… I bought the summercoat in the pic I last week when DH and I had a date night. I wanted to show it to you and we ended up making silly pics before going out hunting for …..
A new chessgame, 3 old games of go fish, a wicker circle to scrap, a campingmatras for my crunches (yep planning on getting on with my training schedule), a spool knittinset for the boys boys, an electric typewriter, a vintage rak with 6 mini bottles, a book for problemsolving by Pooh, a box for sowing materials of some sort for my beads, DH found a bunch of cool old 12″ ie. Streetlife (Crusaders), You and Me (Spargo), Pass the Dutchie (Musical Youth), Why Can’t we live together (Anthony …) and one of Eddie Murphy’s albums, and we couldn’t go home without some yummy tompoucen (wikipedia translation in the link).
Oh and I got a massage on a chair 20 min. for 10 euro’s (at the Tuinen, a shop that was open) I cannot even begin to tell you how good that was …. And some new nike’s I spotted 2 weeks ago but still had them on my mind, so I went and got them, cute no ?


  1. Anonymous

    Glad you enjoyed Queensday – I’ve been hearing all about if from some of the other girls – tho we don;t have such a thing in England – and we should LOL

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